About Shipper
The shipper ID is used to identify the account submitting jobs. The shipper is considered an object of the sender and provides the origin information for the shipment.
- Creating a shipper
- Get shipper details by ShipperHash
- Get shipper details by email
After creating a Shipper you need to verify the address of the shipper
A shipper could have multiple attributes. The following are all related attributes of the shipper.
Key | Type | Required | Length | Description |
String | Yes | 150 | Shipper email address | |
ShipperHash | String | Yes | 150 | Shipper hashed key |
VendorHash | String | Yes | 150 | Vendor hashed key |
UniqueShipperId | Integer | Yes | 150 | Shipper Id for unique identification |
CompanyName | String | Yes | 150 | Shipper's company |
PersonName | String | Yes | 150 | Name of person |
AddressLine1 | String | Yes | 150 | Address of person |
AddressLine2 | String | Yes | 150 | |
City | String | Yes | 150 | |
State | String | Yes | 2 | State code |
Country | String | Yes | 2 | Country code |
Zip | String | Yes | 10 | Zip code |
String | Yes | 150 | Shipper's email id | |
Phone | String | Yes | 10 | Contact number |
CreatedDate | Timestamp | Yes | 150 | Date & Time of shipper creation |
LastModified | Timestamp | Yes | 150 | Date & Time of Shipper modification |
IdentityVerified | boolean | Yes | True or False | To verify Shipper |
AvailableBalance | float | yes | 150 | Left amount of Shipper |
ReferralCode | String | null | 150 | Referral code Received either from Vendor or DPS Partner |
CustomerId | String | null | 150 | Customer unique id |
TotalQueuedJobs | integer | Yes | 150 | Number of job done |