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About Pricing

DPS offers a variety of choices of ePostage services, you can select desired ePostage type based on your interest and requirement. To get the complete list of pricing you need to make an API call which will send you the complete details of pricing, out of that you select your desired pricing service based on your interest.

A price object could have multiple attributes.

Attributes of Pricing object

An object of pricing could have the following attributes

ZoneString150Name of the Zone
ServiceCodeString2Two character service code
DisplayNameObjectNADisplayName is an object consist of two key-value pair
Name: Display name of the ePostage object
Info:Info or description of the Display Name object
MailingServiceString150MailingService is the name of the package provided by USPS
CommercialRateString150Commercial rate of the package
RegularPriceFloat5Regular price of the package
RegularPriceFloat5Unique ID of file known as FileHash
TitleString150Title of the package
SpecialServicesString150Array of string containing special service details
ContainerString150Type of container of ePostage
DPSPriceFloat5Price offer by the DPS
SpecialServiceTitleString150Name of title of the special service

ServiceCode the value of ServiceCode you need to pass to job API while creating a job as "PostageType"