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Job Submission

This is the final stage of a job, where it will be submitted for final checkout.

URL Config
Method: POST
APIVersion: v1
route: jobs
path: package-checkout
Request Headers
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"x-api-key": "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
"ShipperHash": "7z2PC**********bzAg"

An object Checkout could have the following attributes

JobHashString150Your newly created JobHash and it is required for checkout.
ModeString150Mode of checkout, it could be either Preview or Live
ShipDateString150This would be estimated ShipDate and format should be 'mm/dd/yyyy'
ContainerString150Pass valid container string, for more check here
WidthString150Width will be required, if container is not VARIABLE
LengthString150Length will be required, if container is not VARIABLE
HeightString150Height will be required, if container is not VARIABLE

If the container is not equal to VARIABLE, use Request Body (1).

Request Body (1)
"JobHash": "77oA******dM1I7W",
"Mode": "Preview",
"ShipDate": "mm/dd/yyyy",
"Container": "MD FLAT RATE BOX"

If the container is equal to VARIABLE, use Request Body (2).

Request Body (2)
"Mode": "Preview",
"ShipDate": "mm/dd/yyyy",
"Container": "VARIABLE",
"Width": 5,
"Length": 1,
"Height": 1

  • Use Preview mode to create a preview label before Live checkout/submission.

  • Use Live mode to create a live label (a charge will be deducted).

"JobHash": "77oA******dM1I7W",
"ShipperHash": "7z2PC**********bzAg",
"TrackingHash": "Gzwz5*******JSn3yal9",
"ArticleNumber": "42093950******9992544",
"LabelPreviewUrl": "Label Preview Url",
"LabelKey": "Label Path",
"Charged": 34.95,
"Postage": "PRIL",
"Weight": 0.66,
"Mode": "Preview",
"SubscriptionName": "custom",
"LabelType": "4X6LABEL",
"ShipDate": "12/22/2022",
"Container": "VARIABLE",
"StorageCost": 0.0,
"CertificateCost": 1.0,
"PostageCost": 34.95,
"StorageYears": 1
JobHashStringAn unique job hash of your order.
ShipperHashStringYour identification hash.
TrackingHashIntIt will be your Tracking Id.
ArticleNumberIntIt will be your tracking number(you can use it track your order on USPS)
LabelPreviewUrlStringIt will be your Generated ePostage label url, you can download it by using this url.
LabelKeyStringStorage path your label.
ChargedStringIt would be the total charged amount from you.
PostageStringIt will be your selected package.
WeightStringThis is the weight of your package.
ModeStringThis would be your checkout Mode.
SubscriptionNameStringThis will be the name of your subscription.
LabelTypeStringDefault or applied label type.
ShipDateStringIt would be your estimated ShipDate.
ContainerStringYour selected container
StorageCostStringCost of storage based on your storage class.
PostageCostStringTotal postage cost calculated by us including certificate and storage cost.
CertificateCostStringIt would be your certificate cost, if you have already selected it otherwise it will be 0.
StorageYearsStringIt will be the number of storage years that you have selected while creating jobs.
Curl request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-api-key: <your-api-key>' \
--header 'ShipperHash: 7z2P****************zAg' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
'JobHash': '77oA******dM1I7W',
'Mode': 'Preview',
'ShipDate': 'mm/dd/yyyy',
'Container': 'MD FLAT RATE BOX'